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Physical movement and postures (asana):
This will include positions to support active birth (for example squatting, kneeling, all fours). Practice is holistic and will engage all body parts using both dynamic and static asana. There is a gradual progression of difficulty across each class and across the whole course. Adaptations, modifications and props are used where required to make suitable for individual bodies and stage of pregnancy.
Breathing: Ujjayi breathing will be taught and then used to support movement throughout the class. Women will learn to adopt this simple breath with ease so that they can then use it to help manage contractions during labour. Also, specific yogic breathing exercises (pranayama) will develop ability to focus attention, shut out other sensations and calm the mind.
Meditation: As well as meditating on the breath,
meditations specific to pregnancy will be included
such as bonding with the baby, preparation for birth
(for example openness, letting go), visualizations
and positive affirmations.
Relaxation: All classes will finish with relaxation,
which allows physical and mental transformations to settle into the body and gives rest.

I believe that I can help more women to enjoy positive experiences of birth with the aid of yoga. My classes incorporate all elements of traditional vinyasa drama yoga practice made specific to the needs of pregnant women...

There will be information, practical tips and handouts on weekly themes such as being active in pregnancy and birth, pelvic floor, positions and breathing for use during labour, meditation during pregnancy, coping with pain during labour, creating a supportive environment for birth, etc..
You are welcome to come along to the 6-week course on a drop in basis.
If you can’t come to group classes or would prefer 1 to 1 tuition, I can come to your home to teach you. This is particularly suitable if you have health or pregnancy related complications that mean you need a lot of individualized adaptations/modifications. It might also suit very experienced yoga practitioners who need guidance in adapting their practice for pregnancy. You may be more likely to practice outside of class if you get used to doing yoga in your own environment.
Please contact me for information about prices for 1 to 1 teaching.
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