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Yoga for Birth Workshop

Sunday 8thJuly 1-5pm 


Including snack breaks and time to mix with other participants.


Location: Parish Hall, Collaton St. Mary, Paignton, TQ3 3 YA


Would you like to prepare for labour and birth?

Would you like to try out practical coping strategies in advance?

Would you like to feel more confident that you can stay calm?



This birth preparation workshop focuses on using yoga techniques to help you cope with labour.

It is for women and their birth partners, if they wish to attend.  Having support during labour can help you to stay on track, and partners can help to remind you what to do if you forget.

Knowledge is power; if you are familiar with the stages of labour and what is happening in the body then you are more likely to stay calm and adopt positions and behaviours that help labour progress.

Your body knows how to give birth.  But sometimes your brain gets in the way.  Pain can cause you to feel anxious or stressed which can cause the release of adrenalin, which in turn slows down the natural process of labour.  This workshop gives you skills which you can use to calm down, reduce anxiety, switch off thinking and focus on breathing.


You will learn how to assist the natural process of labour and birth using yoga.

You will learn practical tools including breathing, movement, relaxation and visualisations.

At least half of the workshop is actually doing the techniques .





We will move through the stages of labour (early labour, active labour, transition, birth and the third stage).  

For each stage we will talk about what is happening in the body and what you can do to facilitate this. 

You will learn:

  • how to do the yoga breath (called Ujjayi) and how to practice it with movement and with focused alternate nostril breathing

  • other breaths to use during labour and birth, e.g. sound breaths and blowing 

  • yoga postures to practice during pregnancy to keep you mobile and improve your endurance and flexibility for labour and birth

  • these will prepare you for positions that you might adopt during labour and birth and we will try these out

  • how to focus your attention so that you can switch off your thinking brain and relax

  • how to create a supportive, calm environment for birth



£40, plus £20 for partners if attending


For my regular students at Yoga for Pregnancy, cost is £30 plus £10 for partners



Booking Information

You can book on my other website... click here

Or you can book in person by calling me on 07942473390 and we can arrange a bank transfer.

Payment is requested in advance. 




Coming from Paignton, take the Totnes Road at Tweenaway.  Pass by the BMW garage and go through the traffic lights.  Take the next right t turn onto Blagdon Road.  After about 100m, the hall is on the right.  Turn right for parking.

Click here for Google map



There is free but limited on-site parking at the side of the hall and behind the hall.  If this is full you can park in the lane that leads up to the Church (turn right into hall and follow road up to the right) or on Blagdon Road.  Please make sure that cars can pass if you park here.


Other details

  • The workshop does not include lunch, please eat before you come.  It does include drinks and snacks.  Please let me know if you have any allergies or specific dietary requirements when you book.

  • Wear loose or comfortable clothing that you can easily move in as we will be doing yoga!

  • Mats are provided.  If you have a birthing ball/exercise ball that you can bring along please let me know when you book.

  • Please bring a pillow and a blanket for relaxation at the end.  If you have a long pregnancy support pillow bring this too.

  • A bottle of water is a good idea.

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